I am so sorry about your knee (and about the early days of learning to be in relationship with an animal — I have *been there*). This week I was gardening and had this existential zoom out moment where I felt this sense of peace as I worked on my little patch of dirt, just like a small insect. And I felt a surge of gratitude for the wildness that I was trying to tame, for the beauty that emerges from my work, from the aliveness of the earth. What you wrote in your journal about gratitude was so beautiful. Thank you for your offering, as always 🌱🌹

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Thank you Hannah! Working with plants is so amazing (and definitely has been a bummer not being able to bend down or kneel with my knee) and it's also very cool to hear your description of a sensory experience that reflects that experience of gratitude as being something so... relational. Thank you.

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Jessica, thank you for this offering. I am working with The Tower card this week and I am so glad I found this. It's been months but I lost my non human child cat JuJu rather unfortunately. I lost Juju in the lunar eclipse of the month you wrote this post.... the fact that I am reading it now, feels like divine guidance. I had been trying to make sense of it....and your words that I reproduce here gave me a lot of peace...I felt it in my core self because I wasn't quite being able to reconcile:

"I think what I like most about not putting a value-judgment on the Divine as benevolent is that then things don’t have to happened “for the best” to be accepted. There’s probably less closure and fewer feel-good storylines here, but more room to maneuver, I think.

Things happen in life that aren’t okay, and it being the will of God, the Universe, the Divine, or however else one might call it doesn’t magically make it good or right or wanted or even workable. It only makes it a reality that begs to be acknowledged somehow. "

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May 1, 2022
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Thank you so much Sherryn. For sure working the distress tolerance muscle over here & the joy muscle. Peace back to you.

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