Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

I picked up a copy of Courting the Wild Twin and will be starting it soon. Onward, indeed.

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I got chills while reading this. The sensation that I have crossed paths with my twin and at the time couldn't (or wouldn't) acknowledge her existence. That the message she has for me would force me to think and feel things I didn't want to, fearing discomfort and sadness and rage. I really appreciate the threads you're following here Jessica — especially anything that helps us dig up the roots of invasive and oppressive systems and examine how they got there, and what we can do next to help the earth heal. ❤️

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loving your writing more & more with every Offering. thank you truly & deeply. I have to shout out to Chani Nicholas for mentioning your book in a weekly reading a while back, and here I am. 💘 everything you are digging into is so relevant to my own processing and longing to understand the intersections of all this. also very excited to start that podcast!

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I subscribed just to be able to thank you for this. I’m going to start listening to the podcast you mentioned. Thank you. I needed this today.

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Wow. I’m always grateful for these, and this one speaks to me deeply. Thank you.

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