Thank you - this is the first post of 2023 and it was a sorely needed read. Really appreciate your work, and your words.

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The next experimental step - I can work with that 😊

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Thank you for introducing me to the unit of “next experimental step”.

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the plan is sensitivity...

This is one of my favorite pieces of writing you've shared. I am here in the comments a lot, often to a degree that makes me self-conscious of my devotion, but I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't let you know how revolutionary your ideas feel to me. Thank you.

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Thank you for sharing Brian Massumi’s work. I’ve only ever read his philosophical text, but his concept of “margin of maneuverability” truly resonates. Also, I appreciate the reframing when it comes to setting a compass for ourselves. Recently, I heard a behaviorist use the phrase, “temptation bundling” as a way to describe grouping or pairing difficult activities with pleasurable acts. For example, going to the gym (less desirable) with listening to your favorite podcast (highly desirable). But i found that this framing didn’t really apply to me because I don’t like seeing things I love as a “temptation,” which has never had a good connotation for me. In any case, your offerings have been helping me get through this last part of my grad school journey (I’m finishing my dissertation!) and I’m grateful for how you help me reframe things in my life when I need a nudge or when I just need to get unstuck. THANK YOU, Jessica! ♥️

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