This is SO appropriate for me right now. I finally had a chance to grieve & heal from 4 conservative toxic relationships (and their link to my attachment style and childhood). I’ve been working really hard on healing not just my mind but also my body. I promised no relationships for a year, but someone has entered my life 9 months in & I was caught wondering if I was depriving myself of companionship due to the potential for shame on not making it a year or am I deserving of this opportunity to see what could be different? It’s not guaranteed I’ll repeat old mistakes.

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Hi Kat, Thank you for sharing this. I know what you mean -- there is no guarantee of not repeating mistakes. And it's comforting to know -- I think -- that we (I) can always begin again. Warm wishes to you.

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Where I live we had a brutal winter with a massive amount of snow. We're finally starting to see the last of it melt and now we are expecting a huge blizzard starting tomorrow. It's been hard to see where "Spring" is in all of this but maybe that is the lesson <3

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Also just to add - in the past (probably in some of your twitter/IG posts) you had mentioned about how, as we work to heal ourselves, the feelings we get from behaviours that we use to distract/numb ourselves start to feel bad. Like, it doesn't feel as good to be intoxicated once you've started to do the work to heal yourself from whatever it is that caused you to need that escape.

That really stuck with me! I think about it all the time and I've found it to be true. As I travel forward in time and do work on myself, old patterns that used to provide comfort no longer feel good in the same way. I know I'm healthier now in many ways - both physically and mentally - and feeling discomfort in old numbing patterns is one way I've realized how far I've come! <3

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Yes. Isn't it nice to feel that shift? Maybe nice isn't the word, but it does feel good in some way to know things are shifting, new muscles developing, abilities. Definitely helps to mark time and have a sense of having evolved. Thanks so much for sharing.

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