In Offerings, Jessica Dore—licensed social worker and author of Tarot for Change—braids together ideas from the fields of psychology, religion and spirituality, philosophy, mythology and folk tales with Pamela Colman Smith's art from the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. 

Jessica makes both weekly and monthly Offerings. Weekly offerings are $5/month or $50/year and monthly offerings are free. All Offerings are made and sent out via e-mail. The archives live on the blog. Paid subscribers have access to archived weekly posts, monthly posts are free and open to the public.

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Jessica Dore, author of Tarot for Change, explores human experience using Pamela Colman Smith's images from the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot.


Social worker and storyteller. Author of Tarot for Change: Using the Cards for Self-Care, Acceptance and Growth & Offerings.